Programm der International Week 2024

Mi., 15.05.2024, 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr | Bielefeld

Shaping Policy and Context in Healthcare

Guests: Dr. Àine McHugh, Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Prata, Prof. Dr. Margarida Reis Santos, Dr. Sameer Hasan, Marc Dhaeze (M. Sc.) | Host: Prof. Dr. Michaela Brause
Eine horizontaler Balken mit der Aufschrift BEENDET

The international guests will present the healthcare systems of the various countries. We will analyse the differences and discuss together whether Germany can take inspiration from other countries to improve its healthcare system. The seminar is part of the module "Shaping Policy and Context in Healthcare". Guests are very welcome. The aim of the module is to enable students to scrutinise their own healthcare system, the structures of care and the role of healthcare professions such as nursing or therapy in the system based on in-depth knowledge and alternatives.

Dr. Àine McHugh is a programme director and lecturer in the Department of Nursing Midwifery and Early Years, at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland. She lecturers and coordinates programmes in both undergraduate and postgraduate Nursing. Her main areas of research interest are nursing prescribing, nature based therapy, and mental health and wellbeing in young people and their families.

Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Prata is Professor at the Nursing School of Porto. She has been member of General Council of the School since 2009. Her main areas of interest are Nursing Management, Health Economics and Health Policies, Midwifery.

Prof. Dr. Margarida Reis Santos is Professor at the Nursing School of Porto. She has been member of the Scientific Council of the School since 2009. Her main areas of interest are Pediatric Health, Nursing Management & Leadership, Clinical Nursing Supervision.

Dr. Sameer Hasan is an Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering at the German Jordanian University. He holds two undergraduate degrees in Nursing and Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Hasan’s experience in healthcare services extends to more than 22 years in various professional positions such as critical care nurse, biomedical engineer, business leader, academic, and researcher. Dr. Hasan's research interest is in the field of biosensors and biomedical instrumentation.

Marc Dhaeze holds a Master's degree in Medical and Social Sciences and Hospital Management furthermore he also successfully completed postgraduate programmes in business administration and psychology. His interests and expertise are mainly focused on health economics and LEAN management. Marc is international coordinator at the department of nursing and coordinator of the advanced bachelor in healthcare management at Hogeschool Gent.

Auf einen Blick
Shaping Policy and Context in Healthcare
Mittwoch, 15.05.2024
09:00 – 15:00 Uhr
Hochschule Bielefeld, main building, F 319
Interaktion 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
International Week 2024
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