Programm der International Week 2024

Di., 14.05.2024, 12:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Knowledge and action competencies to meet the challenges of the climate crisis in patient care – online

Guest: Dr. Christian Lueme Lokotola | Hosts: Karina Ilskens, Prof. Dr. Christa Büker, Prof. Dr. Änne-Dörte Latteck
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Climate change is one of the main determinants of health which acts in an intrinsic interaction with other global ecological drivers such as air-water-oil pollution and loss of biodiversity. But it is according to The Lancet report (2015) the biggest threat to human health in the 21st century which exacerbates vulnerability worldwide. The interaction between climate change and health can be considered through three different aspects: the health and social effects of climate change, the challenge of climate change to health care facilities and services, and the contribution of health services to the problem of climate change. Exposure and impacts of climate change and other ecological drivers require adaptation and mitigation strategies. However, not all health professionals are aware of the threat and how to tackle them. There are several tools to consider in solving this problem around four fundamentals for safe care: the health workforce, water-sanitation-hygiene, energy, and infrastructure-technology-products. This presentation aims to position the role of health professionals to meet the challenge of the climate crisis into patient care.

Dr. Christian Lueme Lokotola is an early career researcher in climate change and air pollution impact on human health, and healthcare service. He has an MPH and PhD in Public Health. His current expertise is in Planetary Health Medical Education (integration of planetary health into Medical and Health Professional Education) and building climate resilient and environmentally sustainable Primary Health Care (what need to be done and known).

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Knowledge and action competencies to meet the challenges of the climate crisis in patient care – online
Dienstag, 14.05.2024
12:00 – 13:00 Uhr
International Week 2024
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