Programm der International Week 2024

Di., 14.05.2024, 13:00 – 14:00 Uhr | Bielefeld

Belgium as perfect destination for a short or long international experience!

Guest: Ir. Kris Moors | Host: Prof. Dr. Mariam Dopslaf
Eine horizontaler Balken mit der Aufschrift BEENDET

Do you ever dream of studying abroad for a semester or doing an internship in another country? Or are you more interested in a short exchange week with students from different countries? Or perhaps participating in a joint course on sustainability appeals to you? Belgium, as a destination, is not too far away, but it offers plenty of opportunities and challenges to push your boundaries.

Kris Moors is a lecturer at PXL in the specialization of Green Management and Biotechnology, primarily focusing on topics related to soil science, animal science, rural knowledge, internship supervision, bachelor thesis guidance, etc. She also serves as the coordinator for internationalization, assisting students in realizing their international aspirations during their study period.

Auf einen Blick
Belgium as perfect destination for a short or long international experience!
Information Session
Dienstag, 14.05.2024
13:00 – 14:00 Uhr
Hochschule Bielefeld, main building, A 226
Interaktion 1, 33619 Bielefeld, Germany
International Week 2024
internationale Studierende